

  • 功能:IT automation tool. It can configure systems, deploy software, and orchestrate more advanced IT tasks such as continuous deployments or zero downtime rolling updates.
  • 管理方式:push-based Ansible manages machines in an agent-less manner. Ansible by default manages machines over the SSH protocol. Because OpenSSH is one of the most peer-reviewed open source components, security exposure is greatly reduced.


  • Control Machine: SSH client and Linux system
  • Managed Node: Python 2.5+ and SSH service, or windows supprt winrm


  • Control Machine
  • Managed Node
  • inventory
    • 定義Managed Node主機位址與群組
    • 設定SSH 連線資訊、SSH金鑰、使用者名稱….等
  • Ad-Hoc command: 簡短一次性的指令
  • PlayBook: 使用YAML格式撰寫的腳本,可使用Jinja(template系統)
    • 一個PlayBook可有多個Play跟Task
    • Play: 要跑的大項目標,與Managed Node
    • Task: 要做的工作細項
    • module: 已寫好的自動化模組
    • Roles: 是一種分類 & 重用的概念,透過將 vars, tasks, files, templates, handler … 等等根據不同的目的(例如:web server、db server),規劃後至於獨立目錄中,後續便可以利用 include 的概念來使用。
  • Galayx: 是一個搜尋、分享與下載 roles的網站
  • facts: 實際上是ansible的setup module功能,用來取得Managed Node的系統資訊

SSH connection issue

  • 關閉SSH key host 檢查:在ansible.cfg內 host_key_checking = False
  • 關閉gathering facts: 所有playbook不管有沒有設定gathering facts tasks,都會執行,可以在playbook中加入 gather_facts: no
  • SSH PIPElinING: 預設為關閉,所以關閉的原因是要相容不同的 sudo設定,若不使用sudo可以在ansible.cfg內開啟 pipelining=True
  • ControlPersist: 即持久化socket一次驗證,多次通信,只需要修改SSH client也就是Ansible Control Machine本身的SSH 設定
  • ~/.ssh/config
Host *
Compression yes
TCPKeepAlive yes
ServerAliveInterval 120
ServerAliveCountMax 5
ControlMaster auto
ControlPath ~/.ssh/sockets/%r@%h-%p
ControlPersist 1m

Speed Up Ansible

  • SSH multiplexing
ssh_args = -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s
  • Pipelining

[ssh_connection] pipelining = true

  • UseDNS

UseDNS is an SSH-server setting (/etc/ssh/sshd_config file) which forces a server to check a client’s PTR-record upon connection. It may cause connection delays especially with slow DNS servers on the server side. In modern Linux distribution, this setting is turned off by default, which is correct.

  • PreferredAuthentications

It is an SSH-client setting which informs server about preferred authentication methods. By default Ansible uses:

-o PreferredAuthentications=gssapi-with-mic,gssapi-keyex,hostbased,publickey

So if GSSAPIAuthenticationis enabled on the server (at the time of writing this it is turned on in RHEL EC2 AMI) it will be tried as the first option, forcing the client and server to make PTR-record lookups. But in most cases, we want to use only public key auth. We can force Ansible to do so by changing ansible.cfg:

ssh_args = -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s -o PreferredAuthentications=publickey
  • Facts Gathering
gather_facts: no
  • Fork

The default value is 5, which is quite conservative. You can experiment with this setting depending on your local CPU and network bandwidth resources.

forks = 20
  • Poll Interval

When module is executed on remote host, Ansible starts to poll for its result. The lower is interval between poll attempts, the higher is CPU load on Ansible control host. But we want to have CPU available for greater forks number (see above). You can tweak poll interval in ansible.cfg: If you run “slow” jobs (like backups) on multiple hosts, you may want to increase the interval to 0.05 to use less CPU.

internal_poll_interval = 0.001


module_name and arguments

ping            無參數
comand          -a 'ifconfig'
user            -a 'name= state={present(創建)|absent(刪除)} force=(是否強制操作刪除傢目錄) system= uid= shell= home='
group           -a 'name= state={present|absent} gid= system=(系統組)'
cron            -a 'name= state= minute= hour= day= month= weekday= job='
file            -a 'path= mode= owner= group= state={file|directory|link|hard|touch|absent} src=(link,鏈接至何處)'
copy            -a 'dest=(遠程主機上路徑) src=(本地主機路徑) content=(直接指明內容) owner= group= mode='
yum             -a 'name= state={present(已安裝)|latest(最新版)|absent(未安裝)}'
service         -a 'name= state=started|restarted|stopped|reloaded'
unarchive       -a 'src= dest= remote_src={True|False}'
lineinfile      -a ''
setup           無參數

inventory for all hosts ssh settings

ansible_ssh_user='{{ user }}'
ansible_ssh_pass='{{ password }}'
ansible_become_pass='{{ password }}'

inventory for Differentiate Staging vs Production

# file: production





# webservers in all geos

# dbservers in all geos

# everything in the atlanta geo

# everything in the boston geo


ansible syntax

ansible <Patterns> -m <module_name> -a <arguments> <Options>

--list-hosts        outputs a list of matching hosts
--module-name       module name to execute (default=command)
--args              module arguments
--user              connect as this user
--ask-pass          Prompt for the connection password
--become            Use privilege escalation
--ask-become-pass   Ask for privilege escalation password
--inventory         The PATH to the inventory, which defaults to /etc/ansible/hosts
--limit             further limit selected hosts to an additional pattern or comma separated host list.
--check             Check mode is just a simulation it will not make any changes on remote systems
--verbose           verbose mode (-vvv for more, -vvvv to enable connection debugging)
--background=       run asynchronously, failing after X seconds(default=N/A)
--poll              set the poll interval if using -B (default=15)
--forks             specify number of parallel processes to use(default=5)
--extra-vars        Extra variables to inject into a playbook, in key=value key=value format or as quoted YAML/JSON (hashes and arrays). To load variables from a file, specify the file preceded by @ (e.g. @vars.yml).


ansible localhost -m ping #連本機自己,無須驗證
ansible localhost -m ping -i "localhost," -u 帳號 -k 密碼 --key-file=私鑰檔案

ansible-playbook syntax

ansible-playbook playbook.yml <Options>

--check             Check mode is just a simulation it will not make any changes on remote systems
--inventory         The PATH to the inventory, which defaults to /etc/ansible/hosts
--limit             further limit selected hosts to an additional pattern
--list-hosts        outputs a list of matching hosts
--syntax-check      perform a syntax check on the playbook, but do not execute it
--tags=TAGS         only run plays and tasks tagged with these values
--flush-cache       clear the fact cache

ansible-vault syntax

ansible-vault [create|decrypt|edit|encrypt|rekey|view] [--help] [options] vaultfile.yml

create foo.yml      建立加密 (Encrypted) 檔案。
edit foo.yml        編輯加密檔案內容。
rekey foo.yml       更換加密金鑰 (密碼)。
encrypt foo.yml     對已存在的明文檔案進行加密
decrypt foo.yml     解開 (Decrypt) 已加密檔案。
view foo.yml        檢視已加密的檔案內容。

ansible playboox examples


- hosts: all
  gather_facts: no
  - name: ensure enable_twrd is running
    service: name=enable_twrd state=started


- hosts: all
  gather_facts: no
  - name: enable twrd account
    shell: /etc/init.d/enable_twrd start
  - name: check twrd status
    shell: /etc/init.d/enable_twrd status
    register: ps
  - debug: var=ps.stdout_lines

copy, unzip, file

- hosts: all
  gather_facts: no
  - name: copy news archive file to target news path
      src: /root/
      dest: /mydlink/portal/web/_news/
  - name: unzip news archive file to target news path
      src: /mydlink/portal/web/_news/
      dest: /mydlink/portal/web/_news/
      remote_src: True
  - name: change owner and permission to news files
      path: /mydlink/portal/web/_news/
      owner: webuser
      group: daemon
      mode: 0750
      recurse: yes

Handlers, If nothing notifies a handler, it will not run

- name: template configuration file
  template: src=template.j2 dest=/etc/foo.conf
     - restart memcached
     - restart apache

    - name: restart memcached
      service: name=memcached state=restarted
    - name: restart apache
      service: name=apache state=restarted

retry task

  • Retry task 10 times with interval 1 second until return code of the command will not be 0. Ignore if even all tries will fail.
- hosts: all
  connection: local
      - shell: exit 1
        register: task_result
        until: task_result.rc == 0
        retries: 10
        delay: 1
        ignore_errors: yes

Delegation, Rolling Updates, and Local Actions

  • By default, Ansible will try to manage all of the machines referenced in a play in parallel. For a rolling updates use case, you can define how many hosts Ansible should manage at a single time by using the ‘’serial’’ keyword:
  • examples:
- name: test play
  hosts: webservers
  service: name=httpd state=started
  serial: "30%"
- name: test play
  hosts: webservers
  service: name=httpd state=started
  serial: 3
- name: test play
  hosts: webservers
  - 1
  - 5
  - "20%"

ansible-playbook with sudo and vaults

  • hosts
ansible_ssh_user='{{ ansible_ssh_user }}'
ansible_ssh_pass='{{ ansible_ssh_pass }}'
ansible_become_pass='{{ ansible_become_pass }}'
  • play
  - hosts: all
    gather_facts: no
    - name: restart sshd service
      shell: /etc/init.d/sshd restart
    - name: check sshd status
  • vaults
  • ansible-vault edit YOUR-VAULT-FILE
ansible_ssh_user: YOUR_USER_NAME
ansible_ssh_pass: 'YOUR_PASSWORD'
ansible_become_pass: 'YOUR_SUDO_PASSWORD'
  • run playbook with log output
echo "`ansible-playbook YOUR_PLAYBOOK.yml --inventory "localhost," --user --ask-ssh-pass --become --ask-become-pass --ask-vault-pass -e@YOUR_VAULT_FILE -vvv`" | tee -a LOG-FILE-PATH