Vscode Sync

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a code editor redefined and optimized for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications.

basic Configuration

    "editor.wordWrap": "off",
    "[markdown]": {
        "editor.wordWrap": "off",
        "editor.quickSuggestions": false
    "markdown.extension.preview.autoShowPreviewToSide": true,
    "workbench.colorCustomizations": {
        "tab.activeBackground": "#0300aa"


  • Markdown All in One
  • Settings Sync
  • Copy Relative Path
  • Path Intellisense
  • Markdown table prettifier
  • Microsoft Python extension

Settings sync using github

  • Settings > Developer settings > Personal access tokens > Generate new token
  • Give your token a descriptive name like vscode, check gist and click Generate token.
  • Copy and backup your token.
  • Type upload in VSCode Command Palette.
  • Enter your GitHub Personal Access Token.