PowerShell Core is a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS) automation and configuration tool/framework that works well with your existing tools and is optimized for dealing with structured data (e.g. JSON, CSV, XML, etc.), REST APIs, and object models. It includes a command-line shell, an associated scripting language and a framework for processing cmdlets.
Get-Command -Name *IP*
Get-Command -Module ISE -Name *IP*
Get-Help Get-Process
Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "powershell"} #$_ is the current pipeline object
Get-ChildItem $env:USERPROFILE -Recurse -Force | Where-Object {$_.Mode -like "*a*"}
Get-Variable profile | Format-List
Set-Alias ll Get-ChildItem
$sourcedir = "r:\MYDATA" #string
$tmp1 = $sourcedir -join '.rar '
$tmp2 = $tmp1 + ".rar"
$rarfile = $tmp2 -split " "
$targetpath = "e:\", "x:\", "f:\", "y:\" #
Purpose | Operator | Example |
Greater than | -gt | 1 -gt 2 (Returns $false) |
Less than | -lt | 1 -lt 2 (Returns $true) |
Equals | -eq | 2 -eq 1+1 (Returns $true) |
Not equals | -ne | 3 -ne 1+1 (Returns $true) |
Greater than or equal to | -ge | 3 -ge 1+1 (Returns $true) |
Less than or equal to | -le | 2 -le 1+1 (Returns $true) |
if (Test-Path $item){
if ($? -notmatch "True"){
#do something
Else {
#do something
For ($i=0; $i -le 10; $i++) {
"10 * $i = " + (10 * $i)
$items = 1,2,3,4,5
ForEach ($item in $items){
#do something
function FunctionNAME {
#do something
function FunctionNAME($parm1){
#do something
function FunctionNAME([String] $parm1){
#do something
function FunctionNAME([String] $parm1 = "hello"){
#do something
return $parm1
FunctionNAME "test"
FunctionNAME -parm1 "echo"
<path to exe> | Out-Null
Start-Process <path to exe> -NoNewWindow -Wait
#powershell 2.0
$job = Start-Job <path to exe>
Wait-Job $job
Receive-Job $job
add-type -an system.windows.forms
# 5.1
[-Format <ClipboardFormat>]
[-TextFormatType <TextDataFormat>]
add-type -an system.windows.forms
[System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard]::SetText('hello world')
# 5.1
[-Value] <String[]>
-Path <String[]>
-LiteralPath <String[]>